Saturday, March 17, 2012
How to Load Cydia Onto the iPad With GreenPois0n
Greenpois0n is one of many desktop applications used to jailbreak an iPad. Jailbreaking unlocks the iPad from iTunes and allows you to install third-party software from the independent Cydia application store. An application called Loader is applied to the iPad by Greenpois0n during the jailbreaking process, which allows you to install the Cydia application once the process has completed.
How to Install Cydia on an iPad
Jailbreaking your iPad will allow you to install a wide variety of apps through the Cydia app store that are not approved under Apple's warranty. Although jailbreaking is legal, it will void your warranty with Apple, so ensure that you have good technical knowledge of the iPad should any issues arise. With the Spirit jailbreak application, you can jailbreak your iPad in one step. Once your iPad is jailbroken, the Cydia app store will be installed automatically.
How to Update Cydia Apps in iPhone
You can see if any Cydia apps updates are available through the "Changes" menu on the bottom of the Cydia screen. Beware, as not all changes notifications refer to updates for your installed Cydia apps. Here you can be notified on any new Cydia apps.
How to Update Apps in a Jailbroken iPad
Apple doesn't allow the iPad to load software from unauthorized sources, restricting installations to the iTunes App Store. The process of jailbreaking removes this restriction, allowing iPad users to purchase and install software from alternative sources, such as Cydia. This doesn't alter the way jailbroken iPads operate, and software updates through iTunes and alternative application stores can still be performed.
Monday, February 13, 2012
How to Recover a Failed Mac Hard Drive With Tools
Any hard drive can fail. While hard drives are precision electronic components, they have moving parts and the storage media cannot be perfect. Hard drives rotate at high speeds, from 4,200 to 9,600 revolutions per minute, with speeds increasing as technology gets better. A hard drive consists of one or more hard discs upon which digital information is stored. Anything from corrupted files to actual flaws in the physical media can cause a hard drive to fail.
How to Repair the Keyboard on a Mac Laptop
In the lifespan of a MacBook, daily wear and excessive transportation may increase the amount of damage to the body and keyboard. This is especially true with heavy use. Over time, one may find the keyboard wearing out or even missing keys. This is when installing a new keyboard to extend the lifespan of your MacBook is ideal. Replacing the keyboard of an Apple MacBook may seem intimidating at first, however, installing a MacBook laptop keyboard is a task that can be done within an afternoon and once completed, will make every day computing tasks much easier.
How to Fix a FireWire Port on a Mac Mini
A defective Firewire port on your Mac Mini can reduce its usefulness. The port is used to connect other devices to the computer. If the Firewire port stops responding or becomes damaged, you may have to send it in for repair. Before you decide to send in your Mac Mini, you can attempt to fix it yourself by resetting the nonvolatile RAM, also known as NVRAM. Once the NVRAM is reset the Firewire port should begin responding again. Do not attempt to physically repair the NVRAM as you may void the Apple warranty.
How to Repair XP on Parallels
Macintosh users have two options when it comes to running Windows on their computers. The first is the Mac's built-in emulator called Boot Camp. The second is a piece of software called Parallels. While Boot Camp requires booting windows at the computer's startup, Parallels allows a user to run Windows as if it were just another program on the Mac.
When Windows needs to be repaired on a PC, it's as simple as using a recovery CD. But, when it involves Parallels, the process is a little more involved.
How to Recover an SD Card in OS X
An SD (Secure Digital) memory card must be properly unmounted from a computer before being removed or its file structure will become corrupted. You can recover a corrupted SD card on a Mac using the Disk Utility program that is included with the OS X operating system. The Disk Utility program will fix the file structure so that the SD card will work again. Recovering a SD card on a Mac running OS X is done as efficiently by a computer novice as someone who has been using a Mac for years.
How to Fix the Sound on a Mac Computer
There are a lot of reasons that the sound won't work on your Mac. If you've checked to make sure your system sound is on, and you still are not getting any sound, the chances are you have a bad or disconnected sound chip. If this is the case, you have a couple of options. You could spends a bunch of time digging around in the computer for the right card or disconnected circuit board and risk messing up some other vital piece of hardware in the process, or you can do what this article recommends: buy an iMic.
How to Repair the Volume on a Mac Mini
Repairing the volume on your Mac Mini adjusts permissions on the hard drive. This allows new programs and applications that are added to the Mac Mini to run faster and without error. Repairing hard drive volumes is extremely simple to do and only requires a couple of steps to complete.
How to Fix a Mac G3 That Won't Reboot
If a Mac G3 doesn't reboot, the problem can usually be resolved easily. Because the G3 runs both the OS9 and OSX operating systems, the computer may not have received instructions on what system to start up in. The problem can also arise when the parameter random access memory (PRAM) becomes corrupted and needs to be reset. If the computer is a PowerBook or iBook, the power management unit (PMU)
How to Fix Mac System Errors
System errors occur on every computer, including Macs. Luckily, every modern Mac computer comes with a handy first aid utility called Disk Utility, which finds and repairs system errors, according to the University of Indiana. However, if your hard drive or start-up disk is too damaged, this utility will not be able to fix it.
How to Fix a Pixel on a Mac
You do not necessarily need to take your Macintosh computer in for a costly repair when a pixel has gotten "stuck" on the screen. You can fix the pixel so that it will no longer remain one color by running a free pixel-repair program on the Mac. The pixel repair program will fix the pixel by cycling through colors so that the pixel once again takes commands from the graphics card. Fixing the pixel using a pixel-repair program does not violate any warranty that might be in place.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
How to Fix a Mac OS Crash
When an application crashes on a Mac, it usually does not affect the operating system or other computers. You can usually close it by clicking the "Force Quit" option from the Apple menu or by clicking the Option button as you right-click the application's icon in the Dock. Sometimes, however, the application will freeze the computer making the Apple menu or Dock unavailable, in which case you can use the Force Quit Applications window by pressing keys. If your Mac crashes while starting up, you should troubleshoot your peripherals first, then try a Safe Boot. If these do not work, insert the Install disc and use the Disk Repair utility.
How to Fix a Mac OS Crash
When an application crashes on a Mac, it usually does not affect the operating system or other computers. You can usually close it by clicking the "Force Quit" option from the Apple menu or by clicking the Option button as you right-click the application's icon in the Dock. Sometimes, however, the application will freeze the computer making the Apple menu or Dock unavailable, in which case you can use the Force Quit Applications window by pressing keys. If your Mac crashes while starting up, you should troubleshoot your peripherals first, then try a Safe Boot. If these do not work, insert the Install disc and use the Disk Repair utility.
How to Repair Disk Permissions in Mac OS X Leopard 10.5 and Snow Leopard 10.6
Common problems can arise in Mac OS X when key system files have their permissions modified by installers or applications. Repairing permissions in either Leopard or Snow Leopard fixes any accidental changes that may have occurred to the permissions of these files. It is a good housekeeping rule to run the "Repair Permissions" function in "Disk Utility" periodically to keep the Mac running smoothly.
How to Fix a myTouch Slide 3G When It's Locked
The myTouch 3G Slide is a smartphone from T-Mobile that combines the basic features of a mobile phone with Internet access and a media player, and uses a touchscreen to input commands into the device. An unresponsive myTouch is caused by a random error while using the phone and can be fixed through a soft reset. As opposed to a hard reset, a soft reset forces the device to restart by removing its battery. A soft reset corrects common lockup issues with the myTouch 3G Slide and is recommended over a hard reset that erases all of your device's content.
How to Install iPhone Themes on a T-Mobile Wing
The T-Mobile Wing is a smartphone manufactured by the HTC corporation and runs on the Windows Mobile 6 operating system. If you're looking to customize the theme of your T-Mobile Wing to emulate the graphic interface of an iPhone, you can do so with the aid of iFonz, a free iPhone clone for Windows Mobile-based phones like the Wing.
How to Track an HTC Phone
HTC is a fast growing company in the mobile phone sector that was established in 2006. Since then it has built a reputation as a maker of high-end cell phones that have innovative design coupled with cutting edge technology. Since the phones can often cost several hundred dollars you probably want to have a way to track your HTC phone in case it is lost or stolen. Installing a GPS software is one way to do it.
How to Fix Heat Problems on a Samsung A737
The Samsung SGH-A737 features multimedia messaging, expansive storage for contacts, Bluetooth capability, USB storage, a speakerphone, 3G speed and instant messaging options. However, despite its many features, the A737 mobile phone is not without problems. Samsung A737 cell phones can overheat, usually because of strain on the battery. Fortunately, there are methods available to fix heat problems on a Samsung A737.
How to Fix a Samsung Juke
The Samsung Juke is a cell phone with amazing MP3 playing capabilities. One half phone and one half MP3 player, it combines the two so you can pare down the electronic devices you bring with you. Because the Samsung Juke has so much memory and can do so many things, you may occasionally find that it can have some technical difficulties, most of which are fixed fairly easily at home. In the rare case that your Samsung Juke is broken beyond an at-home repair, you can always take it in for service. Here is how to fix a Samsung Juke.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
How to Install IPA Games With Winscp
Since the Supreme Court deemed that jailbreaking --- using third-party software to remove manufacturer imposed limitations for your iPhone or iPod Touch --- is legal, many consumers have taken it upon themselves to jailbreak their devices. One of the great parts about jailbreaking is the capability of the device to run third-party applications. Most of these applications can be installed using the device's new software, installed during the jailbreaking process, but they can also be downloaded and installed through a wireless network cable from your computer. To do this, we use a program can WinSCP to install the package (a .IPA file).
My Disk Is Stuck in My Nintendo Wii
Although electronic devices like gaming consoles are able to withstand tough handling and playing conditions, hardware and software issues do arise from time to time. If your Wii game disc is not ejecting, do not worry. This minor hardware malfunction can generally be fixed by restarting the console. For rare cases, if basic troubleshooting is unsuccessful in removing your disc, call Nintendo customer support to seek further alternatives such as replacement or repair of your Wii system.
How to Downgrade iPhone Firmware
iPhone firmware upgrades often provide new features from Apple, such as access to enhanced capabilities of Google Maps and the iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store, but if you have used hacker methods to jailbreak or SIM unlock your iPhone, these upgrades may actually cause it to become unusable. This is because Apple has designed its firmware to disable illegal hacks to its software. This problem has occurred for many iPhone owners who chose to jailbreak their phone in order to install unauthorized applications. The only way to restore the use of your iPhone's full functionality is usually to downgrade to the original version of iPhone firmware. This downgrade may seem like a hassle but it is worthwhile and relatively uncomplicated, though it is technically another form of hacking.
How to Find My Game Code on a Wii System
Each Wii or virtual console game system has a unique identifier that defines the name of the game. You can use this code to share a saved version of a game with other players. For example, if your friend is stuck on a level of a game and can't progress, you can give him a copy of your "Save" file if you've mastered the same level. He can then load your "Save" file onto his Wii and move to the next level.
How to Make My Hacked Wii Have Factory Settings
The Nintendo Wii can be "hacked" to allow third-party applications and channels, such as the "Homebrew Channe," on the device. If your Wii has been hacked, Nintendo firmware updates can potentially cause harm to your system. Restoring the Wii to its original factory settings is fairly simple. You must reformat the Wii's system memory.
How to Connect Wii to my Files
Connecting the Nintendo Wii to your computer so that you can readily transfer files back and forth between the two requires a special file transfer protocol (FTP) program and an active Internet connection that is connected to both the computer and the Wii console. Once they are connected you will be able to transfer files to the Wii's SD card or from the SD card to the computer. This means that you can save far more information for the Wii by storing it on your computer. If you have a modded Wii this would be a simple way to transfer movies or game files.
How to Play a Wii Remotely Over a Network
Are you bored playing Wii video games by yourself? You can play with others online through your Wii console. This feature allows you to play with your best friend right down the road, your brother who is away at college or a stranger on the other side of the world.
How to Hack a Wii 4.2 Homebrew
Video games or other software that is developed and maintained by consumers and used on proprietary hardware systems is commonly referred to as "homebrew." Although some homebrew tools are harmful and can cause problems, most are very interesting and useful. If you want homebrew games and software on your Nintendo Wii 4.2 game console, you must first unlock -- or jailbreak -- it first. Jailbreaking is not illegal in the United States, but it will void your device's warranty. Once you have access to the Game Channel you can install any homebrew software on your Wii.
How to Connect an iPhone to a Wii Console Remote
Due to 2010 advances in iPhone and Wii system programming it is now possible to link the iPhone and Wii remote. When you do, the movements you make with the remote are reflected in 3D format on the iPhone or iPod. In order to link the two devices your iPhone or iPod must be jailbroken.
How to Downgrade to PS3 Slim Using iPhone
The process of jailbreaking your PlayStation 3 console first requires that you downgrade it to an operating system released before the system update 3.55 patch. Downgrading the PS3 with your iPhone requires that you have a jailbroken iPhone with OpeniBoot and PSFreedom installed on it. As with any jailbreaking or downgrading technique, the software used to perform the downgrade is neither created nor supported by Sony or Apple.
Do I Need to Jailbreak My PS3 to Watch Live TV?
Sony claims that the PlayStation 3 is a video game console that "only does everything." The jailbreaking community has accessed several undocumented features on jailbroken PS3s, one of which is the ability to watch live-streaming TV through the use of Universal Plug and Play clients. Live TV streaming options are available for those who do not want to compromise their gaming console or their access to the PlayStation Network.
How to Get on Netflix with a Jailbroken PS3
Jailbreaking your Sony PlayStation 3 removes many of the gaming device's limitations. The jailbreak process does not, however, affect the PS3's ability to surf the Internet over a wired or Wi-Fi connection. Using the PS3's built-in Internet browser you can access the Netflix website and order DVDs for delivery, or access Netflix's library of streaming videos.
What Are the Feature of a Jailbroken PS3?
Hacking an electronic device, such as the Sony PlayStation 3, means giving that device capabilities that its manufacturers never intended it to have. This type of hacking is commonly called jailbreaking. A jailbroken PlayStation 3 has many useful features, but hacking the console also has several negative consequences that can ruin the gaming experience.
How to Jailbreak a PS3 With a TI-84
Numerous exploits have been created to jailbreak the PlayStation 3 since its release. Jailbreaking allows you to use the PS3 to run other operating systems, install homemade programs and more. You can load jailbreaking software onto your TI-84 calculator and use it to jailbreak your PS3 via a USB connection
How to Install GeoHot Jailbreak Peek and Poke for the PS3
Jailbroken PlayStation 3 consoles give you access to the console's core programming, allowing you to add user-generated content and use the PS3 as a standalone computer. Peek and poke firmware can be used in conjunction with a jailbroken PlayStation 3 to create backups of games on your console for later play. After applying the peek and poke patch to your console, you will need to reinstall the Geohot firmware on your console.
How to Add a Game for a PS3 Jailbreak
Jailbreaking your PlayStation 3 gives you the ability to add custom firmware and homebrew programs onto your video game console. A backup manager will allow you to add backups of your PS3 games and play them from the console's hard disk drive. The "Install Packages" option added to your console after jailbreaking will be used to install games to your console
How to Jailbreak My PS3 With the Rockbox
Jailbroken PlayStation 3 consoles can go beyond the limitations of original system programming and allow you to add user-generated software to your system. Numerous methods of jailbreaking the PS3 have emerged since the console's release including the use of USB drives and iPods loaded with programs such as Rockbox
How to Jailbreak Your PS3 With a USB and a Laptop
According to the U.S. Copyright Office, people can jailbreak their own electronic devices and install third-party applications on them without fearing a lawsuit. You may want to jailbreak your PS3 so that you can play unofficial versions of popular games and install third-party applications
How to Jailbreak a PS3 Slim 3.55
At the time of publication, the PlayStation 3 "slim" models are shipped with version 3.55 of the PlayStation operating system. Jailbreaking your PS3 requires that you have a new or formatted USB storage device and Jailbreak PS3 3.73. While jailbreaking is not illegal, the process will void your PlayStation warranty and limit your access to the PlayStation Network.
How to Downgrade and Jailbreak Your PS3
Jailbreaking your PlayStation 3 console involves overwriting the operating system and replacing it with custom firmware. Since the release of Sony's system update 3.55, jailbreaking attempts haven't been successful. If your PS3 console has a system update on it newer than 3.41, you first must downgrade your PS3's firmware before applying the jailbreak.
How to Delete Windows Anti Virus With Killbox
There are many Anti Virus programs on the market. A lot of these programs are legitimate, while some are not legitimate and may even be a virus. Windows Anti Virus, also known as Windows Antivirus Pro 2009/2010, is one example of a program claiming to be an Anti Virus program while, in fact, it is a fake program that attempts to trick users into purchasing Windows Antivirus Pro because they supposedly have a virus on their PC. Windows Antivirus Pro can be a pest to remove manually, but with the use of tools such as Killbox, the process is significantly easier.
How to Remove a Fake-Alert Virus
A fake-alert virus is one that generates warning screens that look like they were created by the computer's own defenses. Often, these fake-alerts are scams intended to frighten users into clicking links on the pop-ups to fix the problem. These links often lead to websites that urge users to purchase an expensive product in order to fix the problem. Don't be fooled: buying this product is likely to make the problem worse. Alternate methods are needed to remove the threat.
How to Remove a Memory Resident Virus Running in Windows XP
Viruses have various way of infecting your computer and propagating to other computers. Most viruses will try to stay active in your computer memory by trying to add themselves to the programs that open when the computer starts. Some viruses will actively prevent antivirus software from scanning your computer. To remove a memory resident virus, you will have to stop the program and prevent it from starting again.
How to Fix a Virus on Internet Explorer in Windows
Computer viruses frequently infect computers through the Internet when the user visits a website contaminated with malicious programs. The website installs the virus to the computer without the user's knowledge. Many viruses negatively affect the user's Internet browser after that by causing multiple pop-up ads, slowed performance and irregular behavior. Internet Explorer is frequently exploited by viruses, and fixing a virus in Internet Explorer takes some time.
How to Reload Windows After a Virus Attack
Although all versions of Windows have certain precautions to protect from attacks by computer viruses, there are still a great number of viruses that can affect the operating system in a negative way. These viruses don't only affect the operating system, but the anti-virus programs that might be installed on your computer as well. If you find yourself in such a situation, you can reload Windows in safe mode and activate your anti-virus software from there to take back your system.
How to Remove Windows Virus Scan Malware
Malware often comes disguised as antivirus software, claiming to offer a free Windows virus scan. However, this is really just deceitful marketing. Running one of these scans will find all sorts of “viruses” the scan will offer to remove--for a price, of course. The only malware on your computer is the bug popping up the Windows virus scan ads itself. Remove it with a tool already on your computer, with which you can run a real scan.
Monday, February 6, 2012
How to Get an iPod Touch to Load Music Onto an Xbox 360
The Xbox 360 video game console can do more than just play games; it also allows users to connect with friends, watch movies and TV shows and listen to music. The Xbox 360 is able to connect with and play songs from a portable media device, such as the iPod. Once you have connected your iPod to the console with a USB cable, you can play songs from either the Xbox 360 guide or the system's dashboard.
How to Unbrick an XBox
The Xbox 360 has a hard drive that can be modified for user interaction in a way that is not set up or approved of by Microsoft, who makes the video game console. This "flashing" of the hard drive, if done incorrectly, can cause it to cease functioning and become "bricked," which is to say it renders the video game console unworkable. Here is what can be done to return the Xbox 360 to its normal, unmodified, "unbricked" state.
How to Tether a USB for a MyWi iPhone
MyWi is an iPhone application that allows you to use a cellular connection as an Internet connection on a computer. This process is called tethering. MyWi is capable of tethering both wirelessly and through a USB connection. Before tethering your iPhone with MyWi, contact your carrier to make sure it is permitted by the terms of your data plan.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
How to Unbrick a Wii 4.2
The Nintendo Wii's operating system provides the core functions for everything the console can do. The Wii may lock up during use or refuse to perform some functions if the operating has been modified: this is called "bricking," since the Wii is now as useless as a brick. The Wii can be "unbricked" by restoring the 4.2 operating system. You will need to modify a game controller from an earlier Nintendo console, which can be acquired for very little money from a video game supply store or hobby shop that specializes in video games. In addition, a special Wii software disc is also necessary.
How to Get Your Wii Chipped
The Nintendo Wii is a popular gaming console, but its operating system limits what you can do on the system. For instance, if you happen to scratch a game, you wouldn't be able to play a backup disc because the console would not read it. As a result, some owners modify their Wii using a special computer chip purchased from a game console modification store. You can add a "chip" to your Nintendo Wii, but the modification will require opening the Wii and voiding the warranty.
How to Play Wii Games from an External USB Hard Drive
A soft mod for the Nintendo Wii allows the Nintendo Wii to load custom programs, applications and games that other people have made without needing to take the Nintendo Wii apart or voiding a warranty. Typically a Nintendo Wii will get soft modded to avoid the risk of damaging the Wii and allowing the person to play backed up Nintendo Wii games. We all know that the disks that these newer consoles use do not last forever, especially if you have children who use them a lot. Playing Nintendo Wii games from an external USB hard drive allows you to put the disks away and still be able to play all of your Nintendo Wii games.
How to Make a Bootable Wii Disc
The Nintendo Wii can use backup ISO files just like many other home video game consoles. Burning an ISO file to a disc to make it bootable on the Nintendo Wii is simple and can be done with a few different programs. Making bootable Wii backups will help you save your Wii discs from getting scratched.
How to Hook Up a Nintendo Wii to a LCD TV
Connecting your Nintendo Wii gaming console to an LCD television can be done in two ways. The first way is to connect your Wii to the television exactly as you would a standard television, plugging the audio and video cables into their respective color-coded ports. However, LCD televisions are designed to display in high definition widescreen, and your Wii is not. As a result, your picture will appear slightly grainy with distorted colors. Instead, you should hook up your Wii using high definition component cables to get the clearest picture display possible on your LCD television.
How to Backup Wii Games
Creating a backup of favorite Wii games is an important way to prevent total loss in case a game disc gets damaged, corrupted or lost. A simple backup procedure will not only preserve your game data but also help save you lots of time and money in cases of lost or damaged discs
How to Burn Wii Onto a DVD+R
The Nintendo Wii uses DVD discs to play its Wii games. After backing up your Wii games to a disc image (ISO), you can burn the image file to a blank DVD+/-R. Both of these formats work with your Wii, but the DVD-R is more compatible. The DVD+R discs work with the Wii, but cause more strain on the optical laser. You can use many different programs to burn your Wii ISO files to your DVD+R. Download and install one of the three programs listed in the Resources section of this guide, and insert your blank DVD+R into your computer.
How to Soft Mod a Wii to Play Backups
Many game manufacturers are concerned that the ability to play games off backup discs will cause a run on pirated games. Unfortunately the discs scratch so easily that kids particularly have a hard time taking care of their games so they can continue to play them. It is important that these kids be able to play backup discs so the originals can stay scratch free, and purchasing replacements does not become a problem.
Wii 4.2 Soft Mod Guide
Software modification, or softmod, can be done to the Nintendo Wii video gaming console with version 4.2 system menu software in order to unlock many dormant features. You will be able to install the Homebrew Channel, which allows you to download user-created games and applications to your Wii console. Some of these applications can be used to playback media, stream internet radio stations or to load backups of the Wii games you own from an external USB hard drive
A Guide for the Wii Recovery Mode and GC
The firmware of a Nintendo Wii can be accessed via a Game Cube controller. Occasionally, the Nintendo Wii will freeze or "brick." The difference between a frozen system and a "bricked" system is the latter will not boot from a boot disc. The Game Cube controller can fix this by directing the Nintendo Wii circuitry directly to the firmware. From the firmware, users can boot directly from the recovery disc.
How to Play Playstation Games on Wii
The Nintendo Wii is a home video game console that allows you to play other systems' games on it along with the Wii games. One of those systems is the Playstation console from Sony. The PSX was one of the most successful consoles in history, and with a simple program, you can play them again using the Wii.
How to Watch NFL Network Games on a PS3
If you want to watch an NFL Network football game but don't have cable television, you aren't out of luck as long as you have a PlayStation 3 that's connected to the Internet. Using your PS3 and PlayStation Network online account, you can catch up on any NFL game you want to watch.
How to Put Music on a PS3
When you add music files to your PlayStation 3, you'll be able to listen to your favorite artists while you play video games or browse the Internet with your system. Remember that your music files are big, and they'll eat away at your hard-drive space if you add too many. A PlayStation 3 with larger hard drive will be able to handle more music files than a PS3 with a smaller hard drive.
How to Make a PS3 Internet Connection Faster
Routers and modems can sometimes slow the downloading speeds for PS3 game consoles if the proper ports are not open. To speed up downloads and increase connectivity, you will need to correct the wireless settings. Each router has a specific way to log into its settings guide but often can be accessed by typing in the IP address found on the router or in its manual.
How to Set Up a Bluetooth Headset With the PS3
The PlayStation 3 entertainment console supports most Bluetooth headsets in games and applications with incoming and outgoing audio capability. Like all wireless PS3 peripherals, you must pair and set up a Bluetooth headset with the PS3 before you can use that headset with the console. Only one Bluetooth headset can be paired with the PS3 at a time.
How to Make a PS3 DVD Region Free
The subject of region coding on DVDs is one that has garnered much debate. A DVD produced in North America (coded "Region 1") will not play on equipment produced in other countries, such as England (coded "Region 2"). This is done in order to combat movie piracy but can be a major inconvenience for people who paid money for legitimate copies of DVDs. Sony's PlayStation 3 is coded the same way as a regular DVD player in that it will only play DVDs produced in the same region as the PS3 itself, but there is a perfectly legal way to get around that. Use this article as a guide as you make a PS3 DVD region-free.
How to Use Windows Media Player With a PS3
The PlayStation 3 can connect to your computer via Windows Media Player and stream video, music, and picture files over your network. This guide will show you how to configure this feature.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
How to Unlock Godfather 2 PS3 Video Trophies
Fulfill specific goals on your way to becoming a mob boss in "The Godfather II" for the PlayStation 3 to unlock rewards known as trophies. While these trophies have no bearing on the game, all of your online PS3 friends will be able to view your accolades. Trophies are split into four categories---bronze, silver, gold and platinum---with bronze trophies being the easiest to obtain and the platinum trophy awarded after obtaining every other trophy in the game. When you progress through the game, do more than just speed through to the credits and you will rack up the 42 trophies of "Godfather II."
How to Unlock Rock Band Songs
If you happen to be good at Rock Band, it might be easy for you to unlock all the songs the tried and true way, by actually playing until you beat the game. If you don't have the time or the skills, but you want to play all the songs anyway, there's an alternate way to unlock all Rock Band songs on your PS2, PS3 or Xbox 360.
How to Unlock Zurg on PS3
Zurg is Buzz's biggest enemy in the "Toy Story" series, and the evil space emperor is a big part of the "Toy Story 3" video game for the Playstation 3 console. Even though you battle Zurg in multiple levels, it is hard to open him up and eventually use him as a player. Through the "Toy Box" mode you can make Zurg available and play as one of the "bad" toys.
How to Unlock PS3 Demo Games
The Sony PlayStation 3 allows gamers to play video games, watch Bluray discs, rip and enjoy music, and online capability. Users can go online with their PS3 and sign up for a PlayStation Network account, where they can play certain games online, and download video games, music, videos, movies, television shows, and game demos, directly to their PS3. The PlayStation Network has many game demos for users to download and try before they buy.
How to Block Incoming Calls on Your Samsung Cell Phone
Most modern Samsung phones have special features to control who is allowed to reach you. By making changes in the "call restrictions" section of your Samsung phone, you can block people from calling you. Once the call restriction is set, you will not hear any calls come through your phone until you change the settings back to normal. All callers will be sent directly to voice mail. You can also set your phone so that certain callers will be sent to voice mail without your knowledge.
How to Connect Your HTC EVO to a TV
The HTC EVO 4G features a HDMI Type D, or Micro HDMI, display port on the bottom of the phone, which allows you to connect the EVO to a television or monitor. Connecting your EVO to your TV allows you to view photos and videos stored in the phone's memory or on a MicroSD memory card inserted into the phone on a larger display.
How to Tether Your HTC 4G on Sprint
HTC offers phones on numerous networks in the US, and as of May 2011, the company five phones available for the Sprint network. Of those, the EVO 4G and the EVO Shift 4G are compatible with Sprint's speedy fourth-generation cellular network. The newer phone, the Shift 4G, is immediately ready to extend its network connection as Internet access to your computer, and over-the-air updates have enabled that same feature on the original EVO 4G. You can tether either phone in just a minute or two.
How to Do a Hard Reset for an HTC Cruise
There are two types of resets you can perform on your HTC Cruise PDA device, a soft reset and a hard reset. You can soft reset your HTC Cruise by pressing the "Reset" button on the bottom of the device. The HTC Cruise user guide recommends attempting to soft reset the device before executing a hard reset.
How to Unlock the HTC Touch 3G
If you purchased your HTC Touch 3G directly from your wireless provider, chances are it's locked and can only be used with that provider's network. Most carriers participate in this practice to discourage you from leaving, but with the help of a unique unlock code you can use your phone with any SIM card. Your carrier may provide you with this code free of charge. If you have difficulty obtaining the code from your provider, use a phone unlocking service to obtain the code.
How to Unlock the Phone for an HTC Aria
HTC's Android-powered Aria smartphone is available exclusively from AT&T, but the Aria supports multiple GSM frequency bands and can operate on wireless networks all around the world. Before you can use your Aria with a SIM card from another carrier, you must enter a special "unlock" code into the phone to disassociate the device from AT&T. Each Aria mobile phone has a unique unlock code, which must be obtained from the wireless carrier that originally activated the phone.
How to Upload Video From an HTC Hero to Facebook
The HTC Hero features a 3.2-inch touch-screen display, five megapixel camera and Bluetooth connectivity. The phone runs the Google Android mobile operating system. You can transfer video from an HTC Hero to Facebook by connecting the phone to your computer as a USB storage device. Once connected, you can transfer video files from the phone's memory like any USB flash drive.
How to Download Photos From the HTC Touch Pro
Photos saved on your HTC Touch Pro may be downloaded to your computer through Windows Mobile Device Center. Pictures downloaded, or imported, from your phone are saved in the computer's picture gallery where you can edit the images or share them with others. After the initial setup of Windows Mobile Device Center on your computer, the process of downloading photos is straightforward and only takes a few minutes.
How to Transfer Contacts From HTC to BlackBerry
In order to do a direct transfer of your contacts from one phone to another, you can use your old SIM card and put it into the new phone. If that's not an option, you can transfer your contacts by syncing both phones with Microsoft Outlook on your computer. Fortunately, both the HTC smartphone and the BlackBerry will synchronize. You just need to have the BlackBerry Desktop Software and HTC's Sync application.
How to Set Up Hotmail on an HTC Evo
Setting up your Hotmail account on your HTC Evo gives you easy access to your emails even when you are away from your computer. After email setup, you will be able to send and receive emails directly from your phone from anywhere within your mobile carrier's network. Email will be accessible with a simple tap. The phone's email wizard will guide you through setting up the Hotmail account and other email accounts on your phone.
How to Tell if you Have a Static or Dynamic IP Address
The Internet Protocol (abbreviated as IP) address is a numeric value typically presented in the dot-decimal format (for example, that identifies each website or computer in the Internet. A static IP address, once assigned to a computer, remains fixed and never changes. If a computer is configured to use the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) you automatically get a dynamic IP address each time you log into the network. If you plan to set up a web or email server make sure the computer has the static IP address.
How to Make a Hard Drive a Slave Drive
Setting a hard drive to function as the secondary ("slave") drive allows you to use the drive solely as a storage unit. You can use the drive to back up valuable data on the primary drive without having to install or use an operating system on it. And all you need to get going is a screwdriver to pop the case open.
How to Defrag a Mac Computer
You may notice a slight decrease in your Mac's performance over time as you rename files or move them between folders because these files become fragmented with each change. You can optimize your Mac's performance by defragmenting your hard drive. While the newest version of the Mac operation system, called Mac OS X, automatically defragments most files, you may still need to run a defragmenting program from time to time to check over all of the files on your hard drive.
How to Run Startup Repair for Vista
Windows Vista comes with the following set of system recovery options: Startup Repair, System Restore, Windows Complete PC Restore, Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool and Command Prompt. Excluding Windows Complete PC Restore--a utility not included with Windows Vista Starter, Windows Vista Home Basic or Windows Vista Home Premium--all versions of Windows Vista include these diagnostic and repair tools.
How to Repair Windows Vista Without a CD
Although you can repair a computer that uses the Windows Vista operating system with a repair disc, the disc is not necessary to perform the repair as long as Startup Repair is pre-installed on your computer. Many computers that run on Windows Vista do have Startup Repair pre-installed. Repairing the Vista computer using Startup Repair is a fairly simple process, although it can take several minutes to complete.
How to Jailbreak your Iphone 3GS
With the recently released iPhone 3GS and the all around OS update 3.0, many people are looking to unlock their new Apply iPhone 3GS. The process is not difficult and should only take a few minutes if you have everything you need. This guide will work for both Mac and PC users.
How to Jailbreak iPhone 3G 3.1.3
Since the 2010 ruling by the U.S. Copyright Office that jailbreaking an iPhone doesn't break the law, many new users have opted to perform the operation. Many different tools exist for the job depending on the specific model and system version involved. The iPhone 3G on iOS 3.1.3 jailbreaks very simply using a program named Spirit, allowing the user to install software downloaded from places other than Apple's iTunes App Store.
How to Get Rid of an MSN Virus on a Mac
The MSN Virus Project is a Trojan horse virus that propagates itself by sending a link to all the contacts on an infected user's MSN Messenger buddy list. The link looks like it is coming from a friend and encourages you to click on it, thus installing the virus. For this reason, the MSN virus spreads quickly.
The Mac operating system is less susceptible to viruses compared to PCs. However, a Mac may occasionally download the virus.
How to Delete a Facebook Virus on a Mac
Macintosh operating systems are highly immune to viruses, but there are some Trojans and other types of spyware that can maneuver their way into your computer. When an outside source such as Facebook downloads an unwanted virus onto your Mac, you can easily remove it yourself. There are also free programs available to Mac users on the Web that can help you keep your computer clean and running smoothly.
How to check and repair corrupt system files in Windows Vista Home
During the average lifespan of a computer, it's normal for you to have to troubleshoot your operating system. Some very lucky computer users will never know what this is like, but most people will encounter a virus or other less-serious error that affects the structure of Windows Vista. In these circumstances, you may need to check the system files for Vista, and Windows itself has you covered: Microsoft included a helpful utility called the System File Checker to do just this.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
How to Convert MP3 to Audio CD Format
MP3 files are perfect for music format because their relatively small size allows for as many as a 120 songs, and often more, to be burned onto a single CD-R disc. This is a good way to have a huge selection of music you can play at one time without having to change the disc in your CD player. A disc in audio CD format (CDA), however, can fit approximately 17 or 18 songs per disc. If you plan to listen to your songs on your computer or an iPod, MP3 format is your best choice. But since many stereo systems don't read MP3 files, you may need to convert your MP3 music to audio CD format.
How to Convert a CD to an MP3 File
Whether a music professional or a casual enthusiast, there is little distinction when it comes to turning your favorite compact disc into an MP3 (digital music file). So, I'm here to hopefully demystify this once and for all. Hey, I still have issues with TiVo scheduling!
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
How Can I Remove the 'About: Blank' Virus From My Computer?
About: Blank is a browser hijacker virus. A browser hijacker virus, sometimes called a browser redirect virus, is a computer virus that changes your Internet settings. Generally, a browser hijacker will change your homepage and redirect your Internet searches to random sites. The About: Blank virus redirects your Internet searches to pornographic sites. In addition, the About: Blank virus may slow your computer, add icons to your desktop, and decrease.
How to Fix a Computer With a Blank Screen Virus
A blank screen virus is caused by a file on your hard drive that blocks your graphical adapter from displaying images properly on the screen. The only way to fix a blank screen virus is to perform a complete reinstallation of the computer's operating system. This will delete the old corrupted file from your hard drive and leave the computer functioning again. While you will lose the data on your hard drive, your computer will once again be useful.
How to Fix Your LG Env 9900
You can attempt to solve performance issues with your LG Env 9900 mobile device by performing a hard reset of the device. Performing the reset restores the 9900 to its factory (or default) settings, meaning that any program or app (or settings change on your part) causing the problem is removed. Performing a hard reset of the 9900 requires you to press a series of buttons on the keypad.
How to Program Apps for the Android
Android is growing continually in terms of devices and applications. If you want to program apps for the Android platform, you have to carry out a series of distinct steps. Initially, you need to create a development environment on your computer with all of the tools you need to get started. Setting up your environment is not typically difficult. Android application development is challenging, but anyone can learn it. As with any programming task, it's best to learn the key skills involved one at a time and build on your knowledge incrementall.
Monday, January 30, 2012
How to Fix iPhone OS 4 Google Sync
When upgrading from iOS 3 to iOS 4 for the iPhone, your Google Sync account may behave erratically by refusing to update your contacts, calendar or mail. This problem wrecks havoc on your Gmail account, as new or updated information from Google doesn't push to the iPhone or updates slowly. With the firmware update available for the iPhone, Apple corrected the error and it is available free through the iTunes program. Once updated, the information on the iPhone is replaced with the current information in your Google account to keep both the device and the account synchronized.
How to Fix an iPhone That Freezes
When you launch applications, type, or play games, sometimes your iPhone freezes and becomes unresponsive. When you press any buttons, your device doesn't respond. This can usually be very annoying especially if you are in the middle of something. Without damaging your iPhone, you can fix the freezing issues and restore your iPhone back to working condition with basic troubleshooting steps.
How to Fix an iPhone GPS
Unlike the GPS in your car, the one on your iPhone goes wherever you do. Since you have your iPhone with you all the time, you have your GPS with you as well. The iPhone is known as a user-friendly smart phone. But every now and then you might experience a glitch with your phone's GPS. These easy-to-follow steps should help resolve the problem.
How to Fix an iPhone Earpiece
If your iPhone's earpiece has stopped working and you can no longer hear people when making phone calls, you may need to perform a simple fix to solve the problem. Using the items that come with your iPhone, you can make a non-functioning earpiece functional again. A bug in the iPhone can cause it to sometimes serve audio to the wrong channel; if there are no headphones plugged in, the phone may think it needs to still send audio to headphones thus causing the earpiece to stop working.
How to Fix An iPhone That Won't Save Pictures
Sometimes when using the iPhone to take a picture, the picture will not save. Operating the camera seems perfectly normal, but when you go to the Camera Roll you see only a blank square where the picture should be. This error is not particular to any certain version of the iPhone OS, and running updates, resetting the phone, even a hard reset, will not solve the problem. Here's what you have to do.
How to Fix an iPhone Passcode Lock
The iPhone, the iPod touch and the iPad allow the user to set a numeric password of four digits, sometimes called a pass code, or even a more complicated password. If you forget your password, it's trivial to get into the device when you hook it up to the computer you last synced it with; you can then restore it, but you will lose any data entered since your last sync.
How to Fix an Invalid Partition Table
All computer data is stored on drives, most commonly hard disk drives. These drives are divided into sections called "partitions." Most computers have one partition per hard drive. Each partition is treated by the operating system as though it were a separate drive. The properties of each drive's partitions are stored in a special file called a "partition table." If the partition table is damaged or missing, the drive will not function properly, and if the drive has the computer's operating system installed on it, the computer may not boot. Follow these instructions to access Windows 7's built-in partition repair tools.
How to Fix the Windows 7 Black Wallpaper
Microsoft Windows 7 includes the Desktop wallpaper background feature. If you're experiencing problems with the Desktop background, such as it is plain black / blank, you can fix this by changing the Desktop background image in the Windows Control Panel. Once the settings have been applied, the Desktop wallpaper will be reverted back to normal.
How to Stop the Windows Vista Startup Black Screen (TMM)
Have you ever wondered why there was an empty black screen after Windows Vista finished loading? Then, after 10 to 15 seconds, your mouse cursor appeared and Vista starts up? This function is called the Transient Multimon Manager (TMM), which affects multimonitor capabilities in Vista. By following a few steps, you can turn off TMM and speed up your PC's system startup.
How to Fix a Windows XP Black Screen
When you turn on your computer, all you see is a black screen. Windows XP fails to load and there are no error messages to indicate the reason. A black screen often indicates a problem with damaged or missing system files. If your Windows XP installation is missing or is experiencing corrupt files, it fails to load the operating system. Use a Windows XP installation CD to fix a Windows XP black screen.
How to Fix Windows Vista Blank Blue Screen
When upgrading an operating system, there are many things that can occur to give you some kind of system error. Microsoft Windows Vista has been maligned by some computer technicians for having a large amount of bugs; one of the most famous is a blank blue screen nicknamed "The Blue Screen of Death." This is usually a problem that is repairable, but there can be many different causes for your blue screen.
Friday, January 27, 2012
How to Embed Audio Player in Flash
Adobe Flash is a development tool that adds a richer media experience to ordinary web pages. With Flash, you can embed scripts with the HTML document that can play audio or video files, Flash animations, or other interactive elements designed by the Flash developer. Getting started using Adobe Flash Professional requires knowing how to link media clips with a player control that can be embedded in the web page. The Flash media controller allows users to click on various audio clips and listen to the clips within the web page.
How to Fix iPhone 3G from Restore Mode
Your iPhone 3G is stuck in Restore Mode or Recovery Mode and you're ready to stomp it on the ground. You searched the web for a solution and it seems like a run around for tech support. Try these steps to
How to Fix a Wet iPod or iPhone
Apple's iPod is the music and media player that helped to build demand for digital music players, and the iPhone combines the functionality of the iOS operating system with the convenience of a smartphone. These devices may feature advanced capabilities such as downloading and running a number of games and apps and accessing the Internet in addition to their standard functions. Unfortunately, because of their advanced technology they are highly susceptible to water damage. Quick action and thorough drying are necessary to fix a wet iPhone or iPod
How to Repair iPhone Screens
The iPhone is a smart phone created by Apple. It has a touch screen that you use to make phone calls, and to navigate through all of the phone's features. The screen on the iPhone is not indestructible, though. It will crack when the phone is dropped or mishandled. Repairing the iPhone's screen requires replacing it with a new one from the Apple store.
How to Remove Windows Security Center Detected Spyware Alert
If your computer is alerting you to potential spyware threats, it is probably for a good reason. Before disabling the alerts, run your system through the necessary scans to remove any potential threats. After removing the spyware, the alerts may cease. If you want to completely disable any future alerts from Microsoft's built-in security system and pass off the duties to other antivirus applications, install those first or risk leaving your computer vulnerable.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Parts of the Computer & Their Functions
Computers are assembled from several key components that make the computer functional. While most computer users are primarily familiar with the monitor, keyboard, mouse, and other accessories, these components are not critical to computer functionality. The most important parts of a computer exist inside the case.
How to Change Startup Programs in Windows 7
With the release of Windows 7, Microsoft has made several changes to the company's operating system. Startup program settings are similar to those of previous operating systems. Startup programs are saved in a specific folder on the hard drive. When the operating system boots, links listed in this folder start their respective applications. Changing settings for current startup applications is accomplished through the system configuration tool.
How to Customize a Logitech PS3 Mediaboard for Mac OS X
The Logitech Cordless MediaBoard Pro PS3 keyboard is a Bluetooth keyboard designed to be used the PlayStation 3 game console. Through the keyboard is designed for use the PS3, it is still a standard Bluetooth keyboard that can be used with any Bluetooth-enabled computer. If you want to use the Logitech MediaBoard PS3 keyboard with a Mac OS X computer, you can do so through the System Preferences menu without customizing or altering the device in any way.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
How to Fix a Wet Cell Phone Battery
Cellphones are designed to be portable devices. As with anything you carry around frequently, phones are bound to get damaged. In all likelihood, during your phone's lifetime, you will spill liquid on it. Unless you follow these easy steps after your phone's battery gets wet, it could be damaged permanently.
How to Remove Scratches from Your Cell Phone Screen
Removing scratches from your cell phone screen isn't impossible. It can be done with a little ingenuity and a few supplies. Not only will this method almost magically erase the deepest scratches and marks from a cell phone screen, it also works on CD's, clock faces, and any other type of plastic display screen.
How to Repair a Cell Phone Microphone
A broken cell phone microphone can be inconvenient at the very least and render your expensive mobile device nearly useless. Getting it fixed at a repair shop or when the phone is out of warranty can cost more than the phone itself. Luckily, fixing or replacing a microphone yourself can be accomplished in a few short steps.
How to Repair a Sidekick Cell Phone
Cell phones are expensive machines. While the temptation to throw away a broken cell phone may arise, this is not an option for some people. It's a good idea to bear in mind some basic tips for repairing your cell phone in a pinch. If you have a T-Mobile Sidekick model, you can perform many repairs yourself using simple tools and replacement parts available at a number of websites.
Monday, January 23, 2012
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Protect your Mac from Spyware, Adware and V...
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Protect your Mac from Spyware, Adware and V...: Protect your Mac from Spyware, Adware and Viruses The Macintosh computer is notoriously impervious to most viruses, spyware and adware tha...
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Get Rid of Spyware on a Mac
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Get Rid of Spyware on a Mac: Macintosh computers are well-known to be safeguarded against malware and viruses. Mac operating systems have a reputation for security and s...
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Remove the OSX.RSPlug.A Trojan Horse from y...
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Remove the OSX.RSPlug.A Trojan Horse from y...: Remove the OSX.RSPlug.A Trojan Horse from your Mac So far the only malicious software known to infect Macintosh Computers is called the O...
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Kill Spyware on a Mac
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Kill Spyware on a Mac: Apple's Mac OS X has been advertised as much safer for users than Windows operating systems. Far more PCs than Macs are in use worldwide, s...
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Free the Mac of Spyware
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Free the Mac of Spyware: Luckily for most Mac OS X owners (and the Apple marketing department), the systems are relatively free of viruses and spyware. However, eve...
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Check a MacBook for Spyware
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Check a MacBook for Spyware: MacBooks can become infected with spyware, just like Windows operated laptops. Spyware can affect Web browsing, send out pop-ups, virus ale...
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Detect Keyloggers on a Mac
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Detect Keyloggers on a Mac: A keylogger is software that records everything you type. It can be used to steal passwords, credit card numbers, PIN numbers, bank account...
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Detect Computer Monitoring on a Mac
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Detect Computer Monitoring on a Mac: With so much important personal and professional information being stored on home computers, the issue of security is an important one. Spy...
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Detect eBlaster for a Mac
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Detect eBlaster for a Mac: Mac computers can run eBlaster software. There are different types of eBlaster software available for Mac operating systems that allow you...
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Remove Zedo From a Mac
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Remove Zedo From a Mac: Zedo is a tracking cookie that stores information about your Internet habits and then uses the information to display pop-up advertising ta...
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Eliminate Norton on a Mac
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Eliminate Norton on a Mac: Norton products, created by Symantec, are notoriously difficult to remove from Mac OS X. Although the programs have uninstallers, they typi...
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Fix the 'Are You Surprised' Virus on a Mac
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Fix the 'Are You Surprised' Virus on a Mac: How to Fix the 'Are You Surprised' Virus on a Mac For years, Mac users did not have to worry about computer viruses, with the majority of ...
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Delete a Facebook Virus on a Mac
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Delete a Facebook Virus on a Mac: Macintosh operating systems are highly immune to viruses, but there are some Trojans and other types of spyware that can maneuver their way...
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Protect your Mac running Windows from Spywa...
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Protect your Mac running Windows from Spywa...: Viruses, Spyware and Adware are virtually non-existent for the Mac Operating System. However, along with the release of Intel-based Apple C...
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Remove Trojans From Mac-Apple PCs
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Remove Trojans From Mac-Apple PCs: A Trojan is a type of computer virus that appears to be a legitimate program, but instead has malicious intent. The difference between a Tr...
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Clean a Virus & Trojan Off an Apple iMac
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Clean a Virus & Trojan Off an Apple iMac: While viruses and trojans designed to attack the Mac operating system are rare, they do exist and can wreak havoc on a user's computer once...
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Clear Temp Internet Files on a Mac
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Clear Temp Internet Files on a Mac: Although temporary Internet files are helpful when accessing a site you frequently visit due to the stored information, these files can put...
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Make Your Mac Run Faster
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Make Your Mac Run Faster: The Mac OS, which runs your Macbook, Imac, Mac Mini, and even your Iphone, is a great operating system. Mac OSX is far superior compared to...
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Make Your Mac Run Faster
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Make Your Mac Run Faster: The Mac OS, which runs your Macbook, Imac, Mac Mini, and even your Iphone, is a great operating system. Mac OSX is far superior compared to...
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Defrag a Mac Hard Drive
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Defrag a Mac Hard Drive: Defragging a Mac hard drive is a thing of the past because of the way that OS X manages files. After installing system updates or new appli...
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Defrag a Mac Computer
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Defrag a Mac Computer: You may notice a slight decrease in your Mac's performance over time as you rename files or move them between folders because these files b...
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Defragment Files on a Mac Computer
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Defragment Files on a Mac Computer: Older Mac computers won't auto-defragment their hard drives. You would need software like the Disk Defrag to do it. Read on to learn how to...
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Delete a Program on an Mac iBook
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Delete a Program on an Mac iBook: Mac iBooks are older versions of Apple's notebook computers. They range from the original colored iBooks to the G3 or G4 iBooks, and they d...
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Protect a Mac With Anti-Virus
How to remove Mac OSX viruses: How to Protect a Mac With Anti-Virus: Apple computers run on the Macintosh Operating System, also called the Mac OS X. This platform is considered by many to be much more secure...
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to remove Windows 7 internet security 2012
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to remove Windows 7 internet security 2012: What is Win 7 Internet Security 2012? Win 7 Internet Security 2012 is a rogue antispyware program that was recently noticed on the In...
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to remove Vista Internet Security 2012
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to remove Vista Internet Security 2012: What is Vista Internet Security 2012? Vista Internet Security 2012 is dangerous and soon you will know why you must remove it: it’...
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Get Rid of the Windows XP Security Center V...
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Get Rid of the Windows XP Security Center V...: Although XP Security Center sounds like a security tool, it is actually a malicious rogue anti-spwyare program that forces its way onto your...
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Remove XP Anti Virus
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Remove XP Anti Virus: While most malware and virus programs make no pretense about their purpose, some pose as friendly applications while using your machine for ...
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Remove Vista Antispyware
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Remove Vista Antispyware: Vista Antispyware, also called Vista Antispyware 2010, is a rogue anti-spyware program that is identifiable by its use of common Windows log...
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Manually Delete Spyware From Windows XP
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Manually Delete Spyware From Windows XP: Spyware is annoying and can compromise your computer security. It's also very hard to get rid of. There are a number of free software progra...
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Remove Windows Genuine Advantage Error
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Remove Windows Genuine Advantage Error: Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) is an application that attempts to validate that your PC is using a licensed copy of the XP operating syste...
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Remove Windows XP Genuine Validation
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Remove Windows XP Genuine Validation: Windows automatically checks your copy of Windows to see if it's valid. If your copy is or appears to be pirated, Windows XP will display a...
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Remove Programs from Windows 7 Registry
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Remove Programs from Windows 7 Registry: Removing a program from the Windows 7 Registry Editor ensures that you completely remove the program from your computer. When the Add/Remov...
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Remove Windows PC Defender Virus
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Remove Windows PC Defender Virus: Windows PC Defender looks identical to an anti-virus or anti-spyware software, but it is actually a virus. Windows PC Defender pretends to s...
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Check CPU Temperatures With Windows 7
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Check CPU Temperatures With Windows 7: Too much heat can kill your computer. Unless your computer enclosure is made of glass or see-through plastic, it is hard to tell what is go...
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Remove Spyware Tracking Cookies
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Remove Spyware Tracking Cookies: Everybody--besides the creators and beneficiaries of spyware--hates spyware. It disrupts everything you try to do online from the very begi...
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Stop Spyware Pop-Ups
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Stop Spyware Pop-Ups: Stop Spyware Pop-Ups There are different types of pop-ups. Some are legitimate warnings or errors, which Windows or programs such as yo...
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Remove The Win HDD Virus in Windows 7
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Remove The Win HDD Virus in Windows 7: The Win HDD virus affects your computer through a Trojan horse. Your Windows 7 system becomes infected when you unsuspectingly click a link...
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Remove Windows Virus Scan Malware
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Remove Windows Virus Scan Malware: Malware often comes disguised as antivirus software, claiming to offer a free Windows virus scan. However, this is really just deceitful ma...
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Manually Remove Win32.Brontok Virus
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Manually Remove Win32.Brontok Virus: The Win32.Brontok virus, also known as, disguises itself as an antisoftware program. The fake antisoftware program notifie...
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Manually Remove the SIRCAM Worm Virus
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Manually Remove the SIRCAM Worm Virus: The Sircam virus is a malicious worm created in Delphi that spreads through email and shared network drives. The worm then sends copies of ...
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Remove the RPC Virus From Vista X64
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Remove the RPC Virus From Vista X64: The Remote Procedure Call (RPC) virus, which is also known as MSBlast or the Blaster virus, is a worm program that propagates itself across...
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Remove a Svchost Virus
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Remove a Svchost Virus: The Microsoft Windows operating system needs the Svchost.exe process to maintain stability because it is used by the system to launch progr...
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Remove Rootkit Virus from Windows XP
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Remove Rootkit Virus from Windows XP: Rootkit is a type of malware. Malware, although technically different than a virus, is just as undesirable for your computer. Rootkit can c...
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Delete Iexplore.exe Virus
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Delete Iexplore.exe Virus: The iexplorer.exe is a file used by the Windows operating system to help run Internet Explorer. However, if the file has become corrupt or ...
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Remove MBR Viruses
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Remove MBR Viruses: The first sector of a hard drive or disk is the Master Boot Record (MBR). The MBR has the data your computer requires regarding the partiti...
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Manually Remove a Virus Alert From the Syst...
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Manually Remove a Virus Alert From the Syst...: Computers provide much in terms of business and entertainment. Even so, they are susceptible to viruses. These viruses are programs that ca...
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Remove the Rundll32.exe Virus
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Remove the Rundll32.exe Virus: Rundll32.exe is a Windows operating system component responsible for running certain aspects of applications like Internet Explorer. Howeve...
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Remove a Virus From System Restore
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Remove a Virus From System Restore: Windows System Restore is a feature that allows you to save a restore point of your computer's system files. This restore point can be used...
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Remove a Genuine Virus in Windows
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Remove a Genuine Virus in Windows: The Windows Genuine Disadvantage virus is a particular pesky piece of malware that infects computers running Windows XP. When the virus inf...
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Remove AutoRun Viruses From Vista
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Remove AutoRun Viruses From Vista: AutoPlay, a feature of Autorun, automatically reads the content of a USB drive upon inserting the removable media into the USB slot. Window...
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Remove a Trojan Virus
How to remove Windows Viruses: How to Remove a Trojan Virus: A Trojan virus is faulty computer program that can infect remote computers by changing the desktop or deleting important files. Generally c...
Friday, January 20, 2012
How to Guide for Remote Viewing
You can view remote computers using the Remote Desktop feature in Windows.
If you use multiple PCs in different locations, like home and work, you have probably come across a situation where you want to be able to access a file or program on a remote computer. The Windows 7 operating system supports the Remote Desktop protocol, which allows PC users to connect to remote computers and view their desktop as if they were sitting in front of it. Before you can start remote viewing, Remote Desktop must be enabled on the computer you want to access.
How to Install Windows 7 on Virtual PC
Windows 7, so named because it is the seventh operating system in the Microsoft Windows product line, offers a number of features to make the OS easy to use. These features are are designed to improve the overall customer experience. However, some users may not be ready to commit themselves to abandoning their current operating system in favor of Windows 7. Instead, they may wish to install a virtualized version of Windows 7 using Microsoft's Virtual PC software. Fortunately, the process of installing Windows 7 on Microsoft Virtual PC is fairly straightforward and takes about the same amount of time as a standard operating system installation.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Jailbreak 5.0.1 Untethered - iPhone 4, 3GS, iPod Touch 4G, 3G, iPad with Redsn0w 0.9.10 b1
Jailbreak 5.0.1 untethered now became a reality. The iPhone Dev-team has just pushed Redsn0w 0.9.10 b1 to jailbreak 5.0.1 untethered on iPhone 4, 3GS, iPod touch 4G, 3G and iPad 1. Pod2g was the guy behind 5.0.1 untethered jailbreak, as he handed over his project to both Chronic Dev-team and iPhone Dev-team. The two teams have made a major task on 5.0.1 untethered jailbreak. iPhone Dev-team have put 5.0.1 untethered in to RedsnOw 0.9.10 b1 and PwnageTool. Chronic Dev-team put untethered 5.0.1 jailbreak into a Cydia package, thanks Pod2g and the both teams for making us happy.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
How to Remove the OSX.RSPlug.A Trojan Horse from your Mac
Remove the OSX.RSPlug.A Trojan Horse from your Mac
So far the only malicious software known to infect Macintosh Computers is called the OSX.RSPlug.A, a rather insidious Trojan Horse. It's not exactly a virus since it doesn't replicate itself, but it can cause some damage. The only way to get this malware on your computer is to download and install it, and enter in your administrator password.
How to Buff Out Scratches on a Phone After Dropping It
Scratches on your phone can make it hard to distinguish numbers or text.
Cell phones and their screens become scratched with time, particularly when you accidentally drop the phone. Commercially available liquid products are available to polish damaged phones and screens, but cell phone owners can also use a number of household items to remove scratches. It is not easy to remove deep scratches, but you can typically remove minor scratches by applying either one, or a combination of creams or pastes. The correct application method is to use a circular movement, not unlike the motion required when waxing a vehicle.
How to Clean Up a Mac OS X Hard Drive
How to clean up a Mac hard drive.
Mac OS X is an operating system developed by Apple Inc. While the Mac OS X is traditionally viewed as being simpler and less complex than the Windows alternative, the hard drive in your Mac computer can still become slow if bogged down by too many files and folders. Learn how to clean up a Mac OS X hard drive and delete extraneous files to free up space and help your Mac run faster.
Mac OS X is an operating system developed by Apple Inc. While the Mac OS X is traditionally viewed as being simpler and less complex than the Windows alternative, the hard drive in your Mac computer can still become slow if bogged down by too many files and folders. Learn how to clean up a Mac OS X hard drive and delete extraneous files to free up space and help your Mac run faster.
How to Copy DVDs With Mac OS X
Copying DVDs with Mac OS X is simple and easy. It's perfect for making multiple copies of a movie you've made, backing up information from your computer or keeping an electronic library of all of your files. But copying DVDs can be illegal, so use the ability to burn DVDs responsibly.
Mac OS X keyboard shortcuts
Mac OS X keyboard shortcuts
Learn about common Mac OS X keyboard shortcuts. A keyboard shortcut is a way to invoke a function in Mac OS X by pressing a combination of keys on your keyboard.
Products Affected
Mac OS X 10.0, Mac OS X 10.1, Mac OS X 10.2, Mac OS X 10.3, Mac OS X 10.4, Mac OS X 10.5, Mac OS X 10.6, OS X Lion
The Master List of New Windows 7 Shortcuts
Windows 7 adds loads of great shortcuts for switching between apps, moving windows around your screen, moving them to another monitor altogether, and much more. Here's a quick-reference master list of the best new Windows 7 shortcuts.
We're nuts for keyboard shortcuts here at Lifehacker, and Windows 7 brings a handful of great new ones to add to your muscle memory. It's also got a few handy mouse-based shortcuts you'd do well to add to your repertoire. So let's get shortcuttin'.
How to Set Up Shortcut Keys in Microsoft Word
To save time, you can assign shortcut keys to complex functions or to functions you perform often in Microsoft Word 97 and Word 2000 (for PC) and Word 98 (for Macintosh).
How to Set Shortcut Keys in Windows 7
Computer shortcuts can save you time.
As operating systems are improved over time, they keep adding useful features. One of these features in Windows 7 is the ability to create shortcut keys to programs you frequently use. Doing so allows you to open the program(s) by pressing certain keys on your keyboard instead of using your mouse. Before you can use a keyboard shortcut, however, you'll need to make a shortcut for the program in question.
How to See All of the IP Addresses on a LAN Network
Wireless networks exist in many homes and are often combined with wired devices connected directly to a router. While physically locating your local area network's wired devices is simple; wireless devices often remain hidden. However, using the Windows' command-line interface to determine all IP addresses provides a virtual view of all wired and wireless devices that are, perhaps unknowingly, accessing your home network. On the other hand, if you have access to your router's administration page, then you can also view all assigned network IP addresses through the router's admin settings.
How to Format Windows XP From the Command Prompt
Whether you want to reinstall Windows XP cleanly or start off fresh with a new Operating System (OS), it is sometimes necessary or preferable to format your hard drive. (\"Formatting\" means to cleanly erase all of the data on the hard drive.) Although newer operating systems such as Windows XP allow the option to format from within the OS, formatting can also be accomplished from the command prompt.
How to Use the Run Command in Windows Vista
Windows XP and below included a "Run" command in the first level of the Start menu. This command opened a simple dialog box with a text field. The field accepts programs, commands with parameters and even URLs to open in your default browser. Windows Vista no longer includes the Run command on the first level of the Start menu. The Search box in the Vista Start menu is useful in many of the situations where you might use the Run command, but the Run option is still there if you need it.
How to Repair the MBR on Windows 7
Sometimes you can corrupt the Windows MBR (Master Boot Record) unintentionally, through the installation of another operating system. You'll need to repair it before Windows can reboot. The error message that you usually receive is "Operating system not found." To repair the error, you'll need a utility such as MbrFix.exe and run it from a floppy, optical or USB drive and follow the instructions from the installation DVD to repair your MBR. While these directions are specific to Windows 7, you may be able to use the knowledge gained to apply to your particular Windows installation.
How to Clear the Cache in Windows XP
If your Windows XP system is running slowly or you're having problems surfing the Internet, clear out some of Windows' system caches. It's easy to clean out the temporary Internet files cache, delete all Windows temporary files and clear the computer's DNS cache to try to resolve system problems.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
How To Import Video From iPhone To iMovie
Do you want to import video stored in iPhone to iMovie? If that so, you can follow the steps given in this today post. Once you have followed all the written steps below, you can import all videos you have taken to iMovie.
Put iPhone Into DFU Mode, What Is DFU Mode?
Firstly before we go to steps to put iPhone into DFU Mode (Enter iPhone to DFU mode) it is better to know what is DFU Mode and how it works to which you need it. Let's get into the matter at hand.
What is DFU mode?
DFU or Device Firmware Update. DFU mode is a stage where you are able to bring your iOS devices to be restored from any state via iTune and it can be used to both downgrade or upgrade iOS.
What is DFU mode?
DFU or Device Firmware Update. DFU mode is a stage where you are able to bring your iOS devices to be restored from any state via iTune and it can be used to both downgrade or upgrade iOS.
Send Multiple Images On iPhone Email
Send Multiple Images On iPhone Email
This is a how to guide to attach multiple images on email on iPhone and iPad, with the latest improvements of iOS firmware make you able to send email with multiple photos on your iOS devices.
And the steps to attach multiple emails is easy too and no need any technical knowledge, only few clicks and you are done. And then tap on SEND button, your email with the selected images (five at maximum) will be sent right away without hassles.
1. Turn on your iPhone or iPad, then open Photos application, then click on camera roll.
2. You will be presented with number of photo albums stored in your device, then select one afterward click on Arrow box button 
3. And now select images you wish to send, and then click on Share button

4. Tap on Email now.
5. Finish the step with tapping on Send button.
Note: Using the Share button will reduce your images quality, if you want to full-resolution you can Copy directly to the image and paste it.

How To Save Backup iPhone SMS To Computer
There is a time when you want to save your iPhone text message archive to computer, but you can't because the backup files stored in iTunes can not be transferred to your PC which leave you no choice but grumbling.
Lucky you because this post will bring you a tips to actualize your wish in saving your iPhone text message like SMS to your computer.
Anyway for some people saving iPhone SMS is not important, because they regard those files are useless. But not for other people. And let's do it.
First off do a backup your iPhone content to iTunes. After it is done, then head over to the folder path below based on your existing operating systems:
- For Windows XP – C:\Documents and Settings\your_name_here\Application Data\
- For Vista and Win 7 – C:\Users\your_name_here\AppData\Roaming
- For Mac – User -> Library -> Application Support -> Mobile Sync -> Backup – > [ID]
Inside the folder you will see .mddata or .mdbackup, your text message archive is placed here. Then open the file with your preferred text editor. And you can save the file in the text editor containing the text messages to your computer.
Hope this post useful !
Monday, January 16, 2012
Yes! Jailbreak iOS 5.0.1 on iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPad... UNTETHERED
Good news, everyone! Now you can jailbreak your iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, or iPad, with iOS 5.0.1 and reboot untethered
Thanks to the sterling efforts of pod2g, you can now jailbreak your A4-based iDevice, without being encumbered by the dreaded tether. (If a jailbreak is said to be tethered, it means that the jailbreak is undone if you reboot the phone -- in other words, you must connect your phone to your PC or Mac to properly boot it. An untetheredjailbreak is the gold standard, because you don't need to muck about with any of that nonsense.)
But first, here are some top tips, learned from bitter experience. Ignore them at your peril:
Unlock iOS 5.0.1 Based iPhone 4, 3GS Using Ultrasn0w 1.2.5
Here is the guide to unlock your iOS 5.0.1 based iPhone 4 on 01.59.00. baseband using the recently released UltraSn0w 1.2.5. Let's get unlock your iOS 5.0.1 on iPhon 4 by following the tutorial below:
- Jailbreak your iPhone 4 first, using the Redsn0w or Sn0wbreeze v2.8b11. Head to this link to do so: Jailbreak iOS 5.0.1 For iPhone, iPad, iPod With Redsn0w 0.9.9b9b For Mac And Windows.
- Once you've done with the jailbreak business, now launch Cydia that is on your Home Screen.
- Now add this repo url:, by taping on Manage, and then Source >> Add (add the url here).
- Cydia will start refreshing and adding the packages of Ultrasn0w, tap on the repo and install the Ultrasn0w.
- Once, the process is completely finished. You will have the unlocked iPhone 4 in your hand.
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