Wednesday, January 18, 2012

How to See All of the IP Addresses on a LAN Network

Wireless networks exist in many homes and are often combined with wired devices connected directly to a router. While physically locating your local area network's wired devices is simple; wireless devices often remain hidden. However, using the Windows' command-line interface to determine all IP addresses provides a virtual view of all wired and wireless devices that are, perhaps unknowingly, accessing your home network. On the other hand, if you have access to your router's administration page, then you can also view all assigned network IP addresses through the router's admin settings.


Using Windows' Command-Line Interface
  1. Click the Windows "Start Menu." In the "Run" or "Search" box type "CMD." Press "Enter." The Windows' command-line interface window will appear.
  2. Locate the command prompt and type "FOR /L %i IN (1,1,254) DO ping --a --n 1 192.168.0.%i | FIND /I "Reply">> c:\lanipaddresses.txt". In the place of "192.168.0.%i" substitute your router's address. For example, if your router's address is "", then substitute "192.168.2.%i". Ensure you leave the last portion as "%i" and not the full IP address; thus, allowing detection of all devices and not just your router. Press "Enter."
  3. Wait as text scrolls in the command line window as the computer attempts to communicate with possible devices with IP addresses ranging between and Upon completion, the command-line window returns to a command prompt. Close the command-line interface window.
  4. Navigate to the location on the hard drive where you instructed the output file to be saved. In the example above, it is located on the "C:" drive and named "lanipaddresses.txt". Locate the file and click it, prompting it to open in Notepad.
  5. View the list of all known IP addresses which will appear in Notepad. Responses, such as "Reply from bytes=32 time=4ms TTL=128", indicate the IP address is valid and reachable in the LAN. If the address indicates "Destination host unreachable", then that is not a recognized device address in the LAN.
Using Router Administration Access
  1. Open your Web browser. In the address bar type the IP address of your router/gateway. In most home networks the default is "".
  2. Log in to the router using your administrator credentials.
  3. In the majority of commercial routers, click the "Status" tab, then click the "Local Network" option.
  4. Click the option to view the "DHCP Clients Table." A new window appears listing all local network connections with IP address
Tips & Warnings

You can save your output file from the command-line interface to any name and location you desire. Simply change the "c:\lanipaddresses.txt" to a different hard drive and location. No matter the name, ensure you place ".txt" as the file extension or you won't be able to view the report.

If you are not sure of the IP address of your router, then obtain it by typing "ipconfig" at the Windows' command prompt. The IP address of your router is listed as the "Default Gateway."

If you own a router lacking the "Status" page in the administration menu, then check the device's online documentation to determine how to view the "DHCP Clients Table," which when accessed will indicate all IP addresses on the LAN.