Wednesday, January 18, 2012

How to Set Up Shortcut Keys in Microsoft Word

To save time, you can assign shortcut keys to complex functions or to functions you perform often in Microsoft Word 97 and Word 2000 (for PC) and Word 98 (for Macintosh).


Things You'll Need
Microsoft Word

  1. Go to the Tools menu and select Customize.
  2. Click on the Keyboard button.
  3. In the upper left-hand box, select the category of the command or function you are creating a shortcut for.
  4. In the upper right-hand box, click the name of the specific command you want. A description of the command appears at the bottom of the dialog box.
  5. In the "Save changes in" menu, click the name of the current document or the template in which you will save the shortcut key information. ("Normal" will save your shortcut key in most new documents.)
  6. Position the cursor in the New Shortcut Key box.
  7. Press the keys on the keyboard you want to access the chosen command (for example, Ctrl-Alt-L). You'll be informed if those keys are already used for another function.
  8. Click Assign.
  9. Click Close.

Tips & Warnings

You can still use your chosen keys if they're already assigned to something else, but then you won't be able to access the original function with a keyboard shortcut.