Monday, January 30, 2012

How to Fix an iPhone Earpiece

If your iPhone's earpiece has stopped working and you can no longer hear people when making phone calls, you may need to perform a simple fix to solve the problem. Using the items that come with your iPhone, you can make a non-functioning earpiece functional again. A bug in the iPhone can cause it to sometimes serve audio to the wrong channel; if there are no headphones plugged in, the phone may think it needs to still send audio to headphones thus causing the earpiece to stop working.


  1. .Plug the iPhone's headphones into the audio jack while the device is powered on.
  2. Unplug the headphones from the audio jack and make a test phone call to see if it has resolved the problem.
  3. Reset your iPhone by holding down the sleep button at the top of the device and the home button at the bottom of the device at the same time until the device reboots

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